To help you develop a set of 'generic' lesson plans for each subject, we have provided you with a simple lesson plan form (which we will show you on the next page). You can use this form or, if you prefer, develop something for yourself if you feel that you need more space to write.
The important thing is that your plans must be written down and cover the key points included in our form (although you might want to add more detail to each point).
Your guide plan will set out the information that will be covered in the lesson and how it will break down into mini-lessons.
We gave you an example of how a lesson might 'build' earlier... Here are a couple of specific examples.
This is an example of how a 'left turn approaching and emerging' lesson might be structured for a new learner. Note that we've added some approximate timings for a one-hour lesson.
Lesson introduction - 6 mins.
The initial discussion and goal setting.
Drive out including demonstrations - 8 mins.
The instructor drives the car to a quiet location, explaining and demonstrating junctions en-route.
Mini-lesson 1: Left turn approaching (explain practise) 10 mins.
Mini-lesson 2: Left turn emerging (explain practise) 10 mins.
Mini-lesson 3: Approaching and emerging + Learners specific needs (explain practise) 10 mins.
Debrief 8-mins
The learner is encourages to reflect on their achievement. Discussion about the plan for the next lesson (and any preparation the learner needs to do).
This example shows how a lesson introducing pedestrian crossings might be structured. The timings are offered as a 'rough guide'.
Lesson introduction - 6 mins.
The initial discussion and goal setting.
The ‘Drive out’ - 6 mins.
A warm up drive (the learner drives), there would be no crossings in this part of the lesson.
Mini-lesson 1 setup: Introduction to a specific crossing type - 10 mins.
This might include a demonstration, questions, an explanation, a briefing, or combination of any of these things, followed by practise of three, four or five crossings with an appropriate and agreed level of assistance. (Depending upon the available route availability some crossings might be repeated.)
Mini-lesson 1a: practise: - 14 mins.
Pull up to discuss progress so far followed by either practise on different examples of the same crossing type or perhaps repeating the route with less instructor input.
Mini-lesson 2: Different crossing type - 10 mins.
Pull up to discuss progress so far and questions/briefing/explanation about a different crossing type and how the learned skills can be transferred, followed by practice on the new type of crossing (route might also include earlier crossings) with appropriate and agreed level of assistance.
The drive back (could include crossings): 7 mins.
Pull up, briefly discuss progress before heading back to the start location. The route might, or might not, include crossings depending on location.
De-brief/reflection: 7 mins.
Learner encouraged to reflect. Plan for next lesson.
Next: The lesson plan form...