Route Planning: Step 9 - Thinking About Routes 1

Thinking about routes - 1

Please read the notes below before watching the video.

This video revises the things you have been learning about route planning. It demonstrates that each subject should have a subject introduction route (nursery route) before the learner moves on to more demanding routes, even if the learner has had previous experience on busier roads.

When a learner is tackling something new for the first time, the route should be 'undemanding' as explained in the previous pages.

The video shows an example of a route that would be great for practise once the learner had fully mastered traffic light-controlled-crossings, but which would be unsuitable for a 'first lesson' on the subject. 

In the video, I also talk about 'lesson focus' at a set of traffic lights. This demonstrates how a discussion about the same situation might be approached differently depending upon the context of the lesson.  

(The video was shot during an 'ADI Trainer Training' session in which we were discussing route planning for learners and ADI Training.)

Next: Thinking about routes 2...