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How do I learn best?

When you have completed your learning learning list, spend twenty minutes considering the following questions about the things you have written down.

  • What was the first thing I remember learning how to do?

  • What was the most recent thing?

  • What has been most useful for me?

  • What did I enjoy learning most?

  • What is the hardest thing I have successfully learned how to do?

  • What was the easiest?

  • How have I gone about learning things in the past?

  • Which methods were most successful for my learning?

  • When have I found learning to be most rewarding and satisfying?

The answer to these questions will start to give you an insight into the way that you learn best. Is it when you push yourself? When you relax? Alone? At home? In the loo?

There are no right or wrong ways to learn... Find out what works for you.

Struggle? What Struggle?

If you come to a part of the course which you find 'a bit of a struggle' get out your learning list and read it to remind yourself of all the things you have learnt successfully in the past – and add anything new that you have learned during this course or elsewhere since you last looked at the course.

This will help to restore your confidence in your ability to learn and to progress successfully towards your goal.

This isn't school!School

Home learning is different in many ways from experiences you may have had at school or college.

Perhaps the most important difference is that you make all the rules!

You can decide when, where and how you are going to learn and at what pace you are going to learn.

You are also learning something that you have chosen and which you know will benefit you personally.

Before moving on, you might be interested, and surprised, to know that you may have already gained more than 50% of the knowledge you need to pass Part-One of the ADI examination and much of what is needed for the other parts.

This knowledge has come about as a result of your previous driving and other experiences.

The object of this course is to fill in any gaps and help integrating the new knowledge with your driving skills. You can start doing this right now...

Next: You are now almost ready to start the main study units - but before you do, you need to complete the final study preparation project - the introduction to the main units.

The study units introduction section will guide you through a 'mini' study unit, designed to teach you how the other (main) units work and how to get the best from them.
