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Registering for SmartDriving Gold and DriverActive

Part Three

Before you can start studying you will need to complete a couple of simple registration tasks to validate any course guarantees.

These are:

  1. Register your Free six months Gold Membership at ADI MasterClass

  2. Register your Free Membership at DriverActive

These extra resources are provided free of charge and will give additional information to help with your study, your exams and your new career.

ADI MasterClass

ADI MasterClass is a valuable resource site to help you with your qualification and to hit the ground running as soon as you qualify.

MasterClass provides an archive of valuable information to help with motivation, teaching, learning and business. Many ADI Students make the potentially costly mistake of leaving things that are not directly related to their exams until after qualification – but this can leave them feeling as if they have been 'thrown in at the deep end'. Not a good start for any career

MasterClass also includes complimentary membership of the ADINJC (An independent ADI association).

By spending 20 or 30 minutes each week looking at the weekly updates from ADI MasterClass you will learn about, and keep up-to-date with, the industry and industry news; you will also get key tips, tricks, techniques and resources to use when teaching and in your exam. We suggest that you read the updates as you would a weekend magazine – not actively trying to learn but rather with general interest.

ADI MasterClass is provided free for six months with your course.


DriverActive is designed for learner drivers but this is one of the reasons that it's such a valuable training resource.

Many ADI Part-Two students get the basics wrong. With this in mind it's a good idea to learn the info in DriverActive 'inside out'

DriverActive will also give you an idea about how to structure a course of lessons as it is set out in an approximate* order for teaching/learning.

The DriverActive web site is packed with content to help you to determine what you should be covering in your driving lessons. Access is provided free for twelve months.

*'Approximate' is as close as it's possible to get with a written course for practical driving because all learners and training areas will have slightly different requirements.

DriverActive pages are referenced in some parts of your iCourse – study of the DriverActive site is essential for both success and to comply with any course guarantees.

Registration instructions...

Complete the account registration for ADI MasterClass and DriverActive now (Registration is a course requirement).

Follow the simple instructions below to complete your additional registrations. In the unlikely event of any difficulty please contact Training Support. When registering for each web-site you will be asked to create a user name and password – you will need these every time that you log in to ADI MasterClass and DriverActive. If you wish, you can use the same details for both sites when you create your accounts.

Because these sites operate independently from iCourse and operate on a different system you cannot automatically use your iCourse login and password to access them – however, you can set your accounts for these sites to use the same user name and password.  

Follow the numbered steps below to register for ADI MasterClass and DriverActive

RegisterADI MasterClass

  1. Click here to access the registration page.

  2. Enter your first and last names, your e-mail address and postcode.

  3. Choose a user name and password.

  4. Enter this coupon code EFABF5

  5. Tick the anti spam security box (completing the challenge puzzle if required).

  6. After completing the previous steps you will receive a confirmation e-mail - if this doesn't arrive within a few minutes please check your spam/junk folder.

After registration you will be able to access the Gold area at:* Keep your login and password information safe. If you forget your password there is a reset link on the MasterClass login page.

(*Please do not try to register by visiting the ADI MasterClass web site – ADI Student registration is only available on the page link shown above.)


  1. Click here to access the registration page.

  2. Enter your first and last names and your e-mail address.

  3. Choose a user name and password.

  4. Enter this coupon code 22CCC

  5. Tick the anti spam security box (completing the challenge puzzle if required).

  6. After completing the previous steps you will receive a confirmation e-mail - if this doesn't arrive within a few minutes please check your spam/junk folder.

After registration you will be able to access the DriverActive login at* Keep your login and password information safe. If you forget your password there is a reset link on the MasterClass login page.

(*Please do not try to register by visiting the DriverActive web site – ADI Student registration is only available on the page link shown above.)

After completing you registration on the two sites above, click here for information about how to get started with your study...