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Getting Started

You are now almost ready to go!

Before proceeding beyond this point please make sure that you have:

  1. Signed and returned the course terms and conditions - this triggers the despatch of your free study books and DVD.

  2. Read the information regarding CRB Checks and DVSA Registration contained in the Welcome Pack attached to your welcome e-mail from SmartDriving.

Remember that you need to follow the course fully and in sequence in order to gain all the benefits that the course has to offer, including our unique guarantees.

StartLook out for the green text at the bottom of the study pages - this will guide you through the course step-by-step and tell you what to do next at any given point.

At the end of a study session make a note of where you left off - you can then use the drop-down menus at the top of each page to return to the same place when resuming your study.

Your course starts with the 'Preparation Units' - these are important for two reasons:

  1. They give information about how the course works and how to gain the most benefit from it.

  2. They start the process of teaching you to be a teacher by helping you to understand about motivation and how people learn.

Follow the course unit-by-unit completing all of the projects - CLICK THE START BUTTON ABOVE TO BEGIN THE JOURNEY TOWARDS YOUR NEW CAREER.