Self-evaluation introduction

All training requires assessment and evaluation.

As this is primarily a self-development course, you will perform your own evaluation as you progress from week-to-week.

This unit is one of the most important in the whole of the iCourse Programme. Spend as much time as necessary to ensure that you fully understand it.

It is important because:

It will help to ensure that you get the best 'time value' from the practise exercises – these are essential to prepare you for your driver training.

For most students the driver training day alone is not enough to fully prepare them for the ADI Driving test, indeed this is not what it is designed for. If practical training is included with your course it is designed to supplement your home practise as guided by the online material.

We recommend that you spend between 30 and 40 hours on the self-development driving exercises, for this time to be efficient you will need a method to evaluate your own learning and progress.

Self-evaluation uses many of the same skills that you will use when teaching, for example the method called 'Scaling' that we introduce in this unit. In addition to maximising the progress of your driver development, an understanding of the evaluation/assessment process will put in place one of the essential foundations for Part-Three.

Next: Step 2, Setting goals.
