
Earlier, we mentioned 'Scaling'.

Scaling is a powerful method to help you to discover more about your own knowledge, skills and needs that will help with both your driving and teaching development or any other aspect of your life that you wish to work on.

As you work through the driving exercises you will be completing your self-evaluation using the 'scaling' method - even if you have used scaling before make sure that you study this information fully as there are many misconceptions.

To learn, or confirm your knowledge, about scaling visit the following link (requires your ADI MasterClass login) to listen to a 23 minute audio seminar and read a two-part article about scaling. (If you have allowed your ADI MasterClass membership to lapse you can subscribe here.)

Listen to the audio seminar here 

Brief scaling project

For this project you will be asked to choose any small aspect of your driving - or any other area of your life generally that you want to improve or change. The project includes a worksheet with full instructions about the scaling method.

Make sure that you choose something small that is fairly easy to achieve in a short time-scale. Thinking about the subject you have chosen, work through the scaling method on the worksheet.


Remember to safely file your project ready for submission at the end of Driving.

Next: Step 5, Practise 'What do you want" run through.
