Car-care introduction

While driving instructors don't have to be mechanics, having a basic, practical knowledge of your vehicle will ensure that you avoid breakdowns and also provides you with an extra income opportunity through 'car-care lessons'.

Car-care, or 'filling station routine' lessons should form a part of every driving instructor's syllabus but many instructors miss out on this income opportunity by not including these lessons as standard - their customers lose out because they don't learn the basics that could save them £££'s over their driving lifetime.

Looking after your car

If you are someone who relies on a vehicle for business, or simply to get to or from work, a breakdown is more than just an inconvenience, it means lost business or wages for the time that the vehicle is off the road, inconvenience for customers and a host of other problems. Imagine a breakdown ten minutes before your pupil was due to take a driving test.

The best way to avoid problems with breakdowns is to plan not to break down. You can do this by carrying out daily and weekly vehicle checks and by having your car serviced at the regular intervals recommended by the manufacturer.

To help you get into the habit of carrying out the checks listed in this part of the course, we provide you with simple daily and weekly car checks projects and guidance. Simple measures such as maintaining correct tyre pressures will save you money as well as making your car safer to drive!

In 'car-care' you will learn about:

  • Tyre safety
  • DVSA vehicle check requirements for driving tests
  • Daily vehicle check routines on your car
  • Weekly vehicle check routines on your car
  • Wheel changing and other 'flat tyre' issues

You will finish the Unit bay answering questions about the topics above.

Next: Step 2, Looking after your tyres
