Daily vehicle checks take less than five minutes - but could save your life.
For this project you simply have to start getting into a regular habit of doing something that you should already be doing every day.
If you haven't been in the habit of checking your vehicle regularly, think about the consequences that a professional instructor might face if his/her vehicle were not to be properly maintained.
It's illegal to drive the car if any of the items in the lists below are not working correctly. As a driving instructor you will not get much sympathy from the policeman who stops you. Being charged for a 'dangerous vehicle offence' would not be good for business!
Driving tests will also be refused if the vehicle does not meet the required minimum standard.
Your worksheet for this project has provision for youS to record your daily vehicle checks over a one week period. Print out the sheet and keep it in your car.
The daily checks should take no more than five minutes.
Every day you should check and clean the following items:
You should also check the correct operation of the:
Plus a visual inspection of the tyres.
You would also check the operation of the steering and brakes - these checks are covered in 'Basic driving skills'.
Next: Step 5, Weekly Vehicle Checks