This week’s driving tip is Driving in bright sunshine.
It’s odd to think that good weather can be a problem for drivers, but all weather comes with its own hazards.
Although sunshine is normally welcome it can cause severe problems for drivers when it reflects off snow or wet roads.
Bright sunlight can reduce visibility as much as thick fog when it shines onto a dirty windscreen.
Keep your windows and mirrors clean to maximise what you can see.
In the Spring or Autumn the sun can pose a real danger when it’s low in the sky.
Sometimes the glare from the sun can be so bright that it makes it impossible to see; if this happens you must stop, it’s not unusual for drivers to honestly say that they failed to see a vehicle directly in front of them after a crash in bright, low sunshine.
If the sun is behind you it can make it difficult to see traffic behind in your mirrors; approaching drivers might be dazzled and not see you clearly.
Although it might seem strange on a bright day, using headlights can help other drivers to see you.
Another problem with bright sunlight is that it can make it difficult to see traffic light colours if the sun is shining directly on to the lights – in this situation take extra care and never proceed unless you are 100% sure that it is safe.
Sunglasses provide the best solution to prevent sunshine dazzle. You can choose from polarised lenses which reduce reflected glare (good for winter sun and bright wet roads), photochromic lenses that get darker as the light gets brighter, or simple tinted lenses.
Enjoy the sunshine, but make sure that you can see and be seen.
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