Slow speed manoeuvres

The set manoeuvres show the examiner that you can control your car safely in a confined space. This unit gives you an overview of the skills and requirements that all the set manoeuvres have in common.

In a sense some of the set manoeuvres in the DVSA syllabus might seem  'artificial'. Using parking bays and parallel-parking are everyday driving skills, but the turn in the road and left/right reverse manoeuvres are not used so much because there are normally safer alternatives.

However, although they are not all tested, all of the manoeuvres are valuable because they demonstrate that you have the skills required for a range of slow speed situations, manoeuvring on garage forecourt, reversing into gateways and garages, manoeuvring around other vehicles on narrow roads etc.

The more practise you get in a range of slow manoeuvring situations, the better able you will be able to teach them and to do the those that are included in the test 'instinctively'.

The unit covers:

  • Choosing a safe, legal and convenient location
  • Effective observation, control and accuracy
  • Angle start
  • Straight reversing
  • Bay parking
  • Reverse left
  • Parallel park
  • Reverse right
  • Stop on right/Straight reverse
  • Turn-in-the-road

The way things used to be!


Next: Next: Safe, Legal and Convenient
