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A simple warning message if you have not studied the full programme

BookIf you have followed the i-Course exactly as directed this page is not for you - click here to return to the DVSA question page. If, however, you have not completed the full course, read on.

Early on in the i-Course we explained that simply 'learning the answers' might be a quick fix for Part-One, but will cause potential problems later on.

This is because in order to easily pass Part-Three and your subsequent DVSA standards checks after qualification you need to fully understand the material - just knowing the answers is not enough.

If you simply work through the DVSA questions you might learn enough to pass all parts of the exam and qualify - but then again you might not...

At SmartDriving we want you to qualify - but what's more important is that without a firm foundation for your career you are unlikely to achieve the success that you aspire to. Many instructors leave the business after a few years simply because they cannot compete with their better skilled competitors.

Failure to complete all parts of the course as directed will invalidate our money-back-guarantee offer.

The choice is yours... However, our best advice to you is - follow our advice!