Pedestrian crossings
Read this section in conjunction with the DriverActive information about Pedestrian safety. Also revisit the 'Using a routine approach' information in i-Course Driving.
DriverActive covers six crossing types. You may not have all of these in your area, however those that are not present should be mentioned in your lesson. Specific pedestrian crossing lessons should ideally also cover the wider issue of pedestrian safety (although this will also be covered when and where appropriate in other lessons).
We will be adding new videos to this section in the near future, however, by this stage in your study you should be able to teach. or at least have the knowledge to teach this lesson based on the facts that:
- You can deal with pedestrian crossings when driving yourself
- You have been learning about how to teach
- This is simply an 'approaching a hazard' lesson - the method will be the same as that used for junctions, meeting and other hazards.
Lesson goals
Your goal:
Your learner will recognise and take appropriate action at all types of pedestrian crossing..
Learner's goals:
To understand the need for and demonstrate where appropriate:
- How to recognise different crossing types (including straight/staggered)
- The MSM routine n approach to crossings
- Rules relating to zig-zag lines
- Overtaking
- Parking
- When/where to stop when necessary
- Anticipation of the actions of pedestrians
- Avoiding beckoning pedestrians to cross
Note that these are generic lesson goals. Individual learners will have specific personal goals and other goals related to different aspects of learning but still relevant to the lesson. The lesson goals shown here are to help you to break down the process and skill into it's component parts.
Next: Step 2 - Some examples of instruction...