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Lesson Structure: The drive out

As this is an early lesson Adam is not yet able to drive on busy roads - so Graham will drive the car to the location. Learners who have reached a higher standard can drive to the main location/route themselves.

When the learner drives it can be useful to think of this period - around the first ten minutes - as a 'warm up' or 'settling in' drive. Many learners only drive once or twice a week and so can take a few minutes to 'get back into the swing of it'.

See the example lesson in the 'Test' section of this course for an example of a learner driving for this phase of the lesson.

The drive shown in this video would probably be at the upper limit of what is acceptable time-wise during a Part-Three exam or ADI Standards Check - although the DVSA will not say what they feel would be acceptable. Also remember that learners are often keen to get driving during lessons and so it's a good idea to minimise the time spent driving to the practise area.

For the Part-Three & Standards Checks we think that in most areas there will be a 'beginner's area' within about five minutes of the test centre.

Whatever the length of your time behind the wheel - you must make it count with discussion and demonstration that is relevant to the lesson.

Next: Starting the practise...