
Studies have shown that many drivers, especially those who have never worn spectacles (or contact lenses) have defective vision.

I recall a story about one older gentleman who was stopped after knocking over the cones at a police roadside checkpoint some years ago. His distance vision was something in the region of twenty feet! If this happened now the police have the power to revoke a driving licence 'on the spot' following legislation known as 'Cassie's Law' in 2013 following a fatal crash in 2011.

It's estimated that eyesight can start to deteriorate as early as twenty years of age. As we age we need much more light in order to see as well as we did when younger.

It's essential that you meet the legal minimum eyesight requirement for ADI's – get full driving eyesight info from the .gov website. Here & Here.

Next: Read a cautionary tale from a driving instructor about eyesight in Step 2.

Next: The importance of eye checks
