1. Introduction
2. Easy starting point
3. Mirrors
4. Signals
5. Manoeuvre
6. Project
Lack of flexibility and smoothness are often noted as problems with the gear changing of experienced drivers when the are assessed for advanced driver training or during Part-Two tests.
The next three steps cover specific aspects of gear changing for you to use as a basis for gear change practise exercises. The aim of these exercises is to make all of your gear changes smooth and controlled - your passengers shouldn't notice the fact that you are changing gear at all!
The subjects covered are:
Spend a minimum of one hour, practising gear changing, paying particular attention to the points listed above.
Important: Before moving on please study the DriverActive Using Gears information ensuring that you are fully familiar with the content. You might also wish to revise your knowledge about gear use using 'Driving, the essential skills'. If you are taking your test in an automatic car, ensure that you fully understand the relevant information in 'Driving, the essential skills'.
Read, and familiarise yourself with the information in the next three steps and then go out and practise the exercises as directed in the Gear Change Project .
Next: Step 2 - Observation while changing gear