Using a routine approach

Dealing with hazards on the road is a constant process of gathering information and taking appropriate action. As with other things in life, to do this efficiently it is a good idea to have a system.

For example, a system for grocery shopping might be:

  • Check the larder to find out what I need to buy
  • Consider other family members
  • Make a list
  • Decide where to purchase the items on the list
  • Make the shopping trip

You might not realise it consciously, but your whole life is made up of routines. The 'hazard routine' is simply a method of ensuring that you negotiate the roads safely.

The police system

If you have passed an advanced driving or riding test or are coming to this course having had training in the emergency services you might be familiar with the Police System of Car Control.

The police system is outlined in the book 'Roadcraft' (available from most bookshops or on Amazon), a book that we recommend for anyone who wishes to gain a deep understanding of driving, however the system is not exactly the same as the base MSM routine.

To help you to understand why the methods in RoadCraft differ from those in 'Driving, Essential Skills' we have provided a short article 'Driving Style' which you can download here.

Next: Step 2 – An easy starting point.
