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Study preparation project

For this project you will be completing the Study Starter Unit. Read the information below before following the instructions on the right.

As mentioned at the start of this unit, this is probably the most important exercise in the course - you need to complete it fully to understand how the rest of the course works and how to gain maximum learning value, progress and motivation.

Downloads and printing: If you need help downloading any of the materials: Click here.

The learning sequence...

The learning sequence that you will follow for the main questions is:

  • Complete a set of questions under test conditions - allocating a 'confidence score' for each question as you answer it (explained in the pack).

  • Mark the questions.

  • Research the answers for any questions which are answered incorrectly or which have a confidence score of 2 or less making key point notes or mind-maps as you do so.

You will find most of your the answers and relevant information in the study books but might have to do a little internet research to find others.

  • Complete the Foundation questions noting study references for all the questions (even the ones that you get right first time).

  • Re-do the multiple choice questions under test conditions, noting your improvement and repeating the steps above if there are still wrongly answered or low confidence questions.

  • Complete each of the steps above for one unit at a time. Print off and fully complete one unit before moving on to, and printing the next unit.

Extra help with your study

In addition to the main study questions, some of the units in i-Course Theory have extra optional tutorials to help you develop your learning skills further;these include the topics listed below:

  • How to answer multiple choice questions

  • Using Visualisation when answering questions

  • Researching your answers

  • Getting organised and managing your study time

  • Recall and learning - useful information

Download and print the Study Starter Unit to get started. After you have completed the study starter, download and print just one unit at a time, then complete the unit fully before downloading and printing the next unit.

One of the most important skills in helping people to learn to drive is the ability to deliver training in 'small chunks'. By following the course one unit at a time you will not be overwhelmed by a 'mountain' of work - each small step will lead you steadily towards your goal.

Next: Complete the project as directed on the right (just the multiple choice questions) and then move on to Step 4 to check your answers.

1. Click the flowchart tab to download a step-by-step guide to completing the study units.

2. Click the Study Unit tab to download and print the exercise.

3. Work through the multiple choice questions (ONLY) to learn how to complete the study units.

4. When you have finished the multiple choice questions, go to Step 5 to check your answers.


FlowchartClick the image to download the 'step-by-step' chart (shown above) as a reminder of your study

Pin this up on your wall or place it in the front of your study binder for quick reference.


Click the link below to download and print out your study pack for this project.
