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Key to successThe idea of i-Course Driving is to help you to start thinking like a driving instructor. Or perhaps we should say, to thinking like a PROFESSIONAL driving instructor.

True professionalism is your key to success - something that many instructors never quite master. If you want proof, just take a look around at some of your future business competitors!

Many driving school cars are dirty, the instructors are scruffy, the telephone response to lesson enquiries is often sloppy and unprofessional;perhaps with kids answering the phone and then calling for 'Dad!'

Of course, there are good and bad practitioners in every area of business, however, remember that the successful businesses are those that pay attention to detail. In order to achieve success, the starting point for attention to detail is your own attitude and approach to driving and the way that you look after your vehicle (regardless of how old and beaten up it might be!).

Completing all the question sheets and all the projects (including car-care!) in iCourse Driving will greatly enhance your chances of passing Part-Two and Part-Three first time, from a course point-of-view it is also essential to comply with any guarantees. Perhaps more important still is that the information will help you do a better job with your future pupils - leading to a more secure business and income.

Using i-Course Driving you can:

  • Become a safer driver
  • Improve your car control skills
  • Understand how to drive defensively
  • Become more relaxed behind the wheel
  • Save money on your fuel bills
  • Play a part in saving the planet from global warming

And prepare for:

  • Part-Two of the UK driving instructors examination
  • The RoSPA Advanced Driving Test
  • The IAM Advanced Driving Test
  • The RAC Advanced Driving Test
  • The Diamond Advanced Driving Test
  • The Cardington Special Advanced Driving Test

Will it take long to complete the course?

We recommend that you spend as much time as possible on the in-car exercises, using a vehicle with with manual transmission. Most people spend around six weeks to complete this driving preparation.

By using the course as directed you will gain:

  • A deep understanding of the driving task
  • An appreciation how to break driving down into a number of sub-skills
  • Sufficient skill to demonstrate driving methods from basic to advanced level
  • The confidence to pass your driving examination

Important: It will benefit your progress if you maintain a log of your achievements - completion of this log is required as part of any guarantee offered by SmartDriving. Click here to download your log form and instructions.

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