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Welcome to Section Seven

DrivingThis is the final section of i-Course Driving; in this section we consider various aspects of driving at higher speeds on dual carriageways and motorways. You will also find out the risks of overtaking (on any roads) and how to maximise your safety.

While overtaking is not the most common cause of accidents, it is often the most serious in terms of death and injury.

There are probably many reasons for overtaking accidents, tiredness, late for work, frustration, etc. Whatever the core reasons in each individual case, the situation cannot be helped by the fact that many people were never taught safe overtaking during their original driving lessons.

Overtaking is easy if you follow a basic routine. The routine simply reminds you to make continual safety checks throughout the manoeuvre.

By the end of this section you should have taught yourself how to overtake in a relaxed and safe manner. What is more important, perhaps, is that you will have learned when overtaking is not applicable. If in doubt, do not overtake.

Dual-carriageways, like motorways often have vehicles travelling at high speed, but these can be mixed with lower speed 'local' traffic at junctions; you need to be able to make progress, but stay safe – spending time on a dual-carriageway as you work through this section will enable to you to find out how you rate on both counts.

Motorways should be the safest roads because they do not have crossroads, roundabouts, or traffic lights, etc., however when accidents occur at speed they can be devastating because of the speeds involved. This week you get an opportunity to evaluate your own defensive strategies for motorway driving.

The commentary driving project is now more of a practise session; if you have been having problems, go back a couple of steps to earlier projects and practise, practise, practise!

Finally, there's no car-care project in this section, but remember to check your tyres, bulbs, oil and water!

If you have not already done so, now would be a good time to read about the Part-Two test itself. You can find information about the learner's test at DriverActive - this follows the same format but is shorter; The Driving Instructor's Handbook has an overview of the test; for in depth study you could look at the examiner's guidance notes ADI1.