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Commonly known as the three-point-turn this manoeuvre requires you to turn the car around to face the opposite direction.

The term three-point-turn but this is a little misleading because your turn doesn't have to be completed in three movements. The number of moves required will depend upon how wide the road is, how big your car is and the steering of your car. And of course, your skill at the manoeuvre!

This exercise is no longer included in ADI Part Two, however, it's important to be able to do it correctly and safely as you might need to teach it. Remember that teaching people to drive is not simply teaching the things that they have to do for test - although not tested, this manoeuvre remains on the DVSA learning to drive syllabus.

The DVSA state that this manoeuvre is useful for turning around if you are in a cul-de-sac or similar situation - however, as an experienced driver it's probable that you rarely, if ever, turn around in this way. Far better and often safer to drive around the block,around a roundabout or reverse into an opening.

Key issues:

  • Use effective observation throughout
  • Use the controls correctly and smoothly
  • Position the car accurately during the turn
  • Position the car correctly before and after the turn
  • Deal with other road users safely

If you have not already done so, print and complete your Training Outcomes Worksheet for this unit - you might wish to revise your outcomes before doing the practical exercises.

As well as the steps outlined in the bottom menu you can see two additional videos for the turn here.

Next: Watch the video intro on the right and then watch the brief overview of the manoeuvre in Step 2.

Jargon buster: 'Street furniture' is the term given to things like road signs, bollards, lamp posts, barriers etc.