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The final car-care project

If you have not yet got into the habit of daily and weekly vehicle checks, seriously consider your commitment to safety and fuel efficiency and answer the following questions:

  • How much time does it take to make the checks?

  • If the checks can help save 5% of your fuel costs, how much time would it take you to earn that money?

  • What is the value of your family in terms of reduced risk?

How much do you want to gamble your own and your family's safety when a few minutes a week can greatly reduce the risk of them losing you or you losing them?.

If you can't take the trouble to ensure your own safety through the simple act of looking after your vehicle you are certainly not an advanced driver – far be it from me to suggest that you should perhaps also explore your social conscience

SO! Get out and get checking ...

While this is the last care care project of the course, it's not your last check.

Keeping the habit of daily and weekly checks will help to ensure trouble free driving and business - just five minutes a day.

There are no special projects this week, simply your basic checks.

Your business

Not only does the safety of yourself and your clients depend on a well maintained vehicle, it is also crucial for your business.

If a driver arrives for test (any type of test) with a soft tyre, blown bulb or other defect, the test will not go ahead. Add to this cost of breakdowns for any business and you will quickly realise that good care care makes good business sense.

Daily and Weekly car care

If you wish to re-read the vehicle-check information from earlier in the course, click here.

You can download the vehicle check sheets below.

Daily car checksWeekly car checks

When you are confident that you have completed this unit (including the regular car checks), print out and complete your Training Achievements Log reflecting particularly on your feelings about doing regular vehicle checks before moving on to the next unit.

Next: Section 6 questions

Old car