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Maintaining a safe speed

Having come this far through this course you will be aware of the need for speed limits.

This project will probably make you even more aware of the conditions that dictate the imposition of limits and of the dangers of noncompliance with these limits.

The complexity of the project will depend upon the amount of driving that you do. Over the next ten days, using the space provided on the project download sheets, keep a record of speed limits that you encounter.

  • Make a note of the place where the speed limit was shown and whether it was compulsory or advisory.

  • Note the area where the limit was in force and write a brief description; for example, 'Built up area with school and residential roads'.

Whilst staying within the speed limit, note how many vehicles are travelling more quickly than you are and consider the level of danger/risk that they incur in doing this.

Thinking ahead...

Speed cameraThis project has two major examination benefits.

By raising your awareness of speed limits you will find it easier to recognise and keep within the limits during Part-Two

By thinking about the need for limits you will broaden your understanding and thus be able to deal with your 'pupil' (examiner in role) more easily in Part-Three

If you have not already done so, print and complete your Training Outcomes Worksheet for this unit before going out on your practise drives.

There is no checklist for this unit - you can move on to the next unit Reading the Road while completing the speed project.

However, we suggest that you go out for a one hour drive now to start the project before moving on.

After you have have competed the project (10 days), print out and complete your Training Achievements Log.

Speed cameraSpeed project

Click here to download your Speed Limit Project worksheets.

Keep a record of the speed limits you encounter and the 'speed behaviour' of other drivers over the next ten days.