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The IAM test

The Institute of Advanced Motorists test is probably the most well known to members of the public. The stated aim of the IAM is to raise public awareness of road safety and of good driving methods.

The organisation runs a number of local groups to help drivers to prepare for the test. Members and associate members of the groups can have their driving observed and assessed by a special group of 'Observers'.

This is an excellent way to meet people with an interest in driving and to broaden your driving knowledge. Passing the IAM test is of little practical value in itself although you might gain a better insurance deal.

The Institute's main aim is to improve road safety standards, thus making the roads safer for everyone. Because of this they get as many people as possible up to an 'acceptable' safety standard, rather than getting an elite few up to 'very advanced' level.

Further experience of having your driving scrutinised can be gained on observed runs with local groups. These runs can be especially useful when it comes to ironing out bad habits.


Next: Information about the RoSPA Advanced Drivers Association test.

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