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Part-Two set manoeuvres - general information

The set manoeuvres show the examiner that you can control your car safely in a confined space.

This unit gives you an overview of the skills and requirements that all the set manoeuvres have in common.

In a sense some of the set manoeuvres are 'artificial'. In terms of real world driving being able to to stop quickly in an emergency is essential if the need ever arises. Reversing into a parking pay or between two cars at the side of the road (parallel parking) are everyday driving skills. But the turn in the road and left/right reverse manoeuvres are really only test exercises.

Occasionally you might do a turn in the road, but normally it would be safer to find an alternative - driving around the block, etc. Occasionally you will reverse into a side road but again, if there is safer alternative you would be wise to take it. Also, the chances are that if you do reverse into a side turning you will want to do it as quickly and safely as possible to reduce your 'time exposed to danger' and will not be quite as precise and accurate as on the test manoeuvre.

However, all of the test manoeuvres are valuable because they demonstrate that you have the skills required for a range of slow speed situations, manoeuvring on garage forecourt, reversing into gateways and garages, manoeuvring around other vehicles on narrow roads etc.

Next: Watch the excerpt from the Pathe Newsreel film on the right for a glimpse of how the manoeuvres started out in 1935 then watch the brief overview of the manoeuvres in Step 2.

Note that the is no worksheet or question paper for this unit.