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With proper observation and accuracy


Bay parking

Bay parking

These diagrams show options to reverse from a 90 degree angle into the parking space (B) and driving into a position from which you can reverse into the bay in an almost straight line, or at least as straight as the space available will allow (A). This can be done from either the left or the right. The next page (Step 3)shows these as animations.

Remember that car parks are used by pedestrians. Pedestrians can approach from any angle in a car park and might not be paying attention to the traffic.

Although you are using an empty car park you must get into the habit of regular checks, keeping a careful look out all around – all the time. Take special care watch for small children in busy car parks.

Finally, make sure that you park in the centre of the available space this demonstrates that you understand the need to leave yourself, and the drivers and passengers of the cars on either side, sufficient room to open the doors and get in and out easily.

DVSA Requirements

DVSAThe examiner should allow you to reverse into a bay of your choice and should not 'dictate' any particular method - you are free to choose how to complete the manoeuvre. Having said this, there may be some restrictions imposed by the location, for example you might be 'forced' to reverse from a particular direction because there is no room to turn the car around, or there might only be one bay free.

If you do this exercise at the start of the test you will be asked to drive out of the bay to the left or right (if both options are available) and stop with the wheels straight before reversing into any convenient bay. This instruction is given (wheels straight) to prevent you from reversing back into the bay on the same lock. You can then choose any method to reverse into a bay - including driving forwards into one bay before reversing back in a straight line into the opposing bay if the option is available.

At the end of the test the same considerations apply regarding the way you park. The examiner will ask you to drive into the car park and reverse into any convenient bay.

Next: Watch the short animation explanation of of positioning options on the next page.