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Daily and Weekly car care

In addition to your wheel change project, you need to continue with your daily and weekly checks. You might find this easier to do if you schedule a specific time every day and each week.

The habit of regular checks should become a regular part of your life, just like getting dressed or eating your dinner.

If you forget to get dressed you might face a little embarrassment. If you miss a couple of meals you might feel hungry.

If you neglect you vehicle checks you might never get an opportunity to be embarrassed or hungry ever again. Although this stuff is pretty basic. It can be the difference between life and death.

That's a plain and simple fact.

If you wish to re-read the vehicle-check information from earlier in the course, click here.

You can download the vehicle check sheets below.

Daily car checksWeekly car checks

Remember, you need to get into the habit of making your daily and weekly checks, so if you haven't been doing so, start now!

The videos on the right show how to check coolant and oil (courtesy of the AA)

Next: When you have completed the wheel change exercise move on to the checklist to finish this unit.