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parkingThe clip below shows this manoeuvre (no longer required for ADI Part-Two).

To complete the manoeuvre you will need good control and accuracy but these are not normally things that experienced drivers have problems with - if you are unsure about your ability to be accurate, simply practise, practise, practise - it will come.

When people fail Part-Two during manoeuvres it is almost always because they fail to take proper care with observation - this can lead to the driver continuing to move when he/she should be stopping to give way.

As with all the manoeuvres we strongly suggest that you get plenty of practice, even if you come from a professional driving background - it's very easy to make a mistake with observation, or even control and accuracy when you are under test conditions - practising this and other non-test manoeuvres will help to make sure that you develop good observation habits when manoeuvring.


Next: Read about the specific parts of this manoeuvre in step 3.