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Left reverse practise

TR downloadRegardless of your current skill level, start your practise in a quiet location.

Spend between 30 and 40 minutes practising this manoeuvre over the next week or so. Quiet suburban roads, or off road areas, are ideal but you will also need some roads where you have to give way to other drivers - also practice on both wide and narrow roads, sharp and sweeping corners.

Start with an average width road with rounded corners - the sort of roads you find on modern housing estates built in the last 30 years and then graduate to narrower roads with 90 degree corners, often found on older estates or terraced streets. Set yourself a challenge to see just how accurately you can reverse keeping a constant distance from the kerb at all times.

When choosing your location bear in mind the local residents. In many areas the residents get fed up with learner drivers constantly practising outside their front doors. They don't want you adding to their frustration as you practise for your advanced driving test!

When you are easily able to meet the accuracy targets move on to a slightly busier location so that you are 'forced' to keep a good look out for other road users. Also practice on uphill and downhill slopes.

Next: After your first practise session read the notes in Step 7 and ask yourself whether you are completing the left-reverse correctly.
