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Making it easy

On the right there are a couple of diagrams to help with your practise.

In addition to being useful for your own practise, these methods will be helpful for use with your future customers.

1. The 'two o'clock method'

If you already have a preferred method of parking that works, stick with it. This method is an accuracy guideline that you might find useful.

From a teaching point of view it's also important to recognise that this method might not be the best for all of your pupils - a key point to remember as a teacher is that everyone is different and we all have our own unique ways of learning.

2. Playing in the park - as easy as ABC!

This method is good for practising both observation and accuracy - however, it needs a quiet car park, something that is hard to find in some areas.

Next: Watch the demonstration of steering at a 'two o'clock' angle in Step 5 (where we also give you some advice about what to do if things go wrong).

Parking angle